A Message from Our Team

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So many thoughts and emotions have passed through our collective minds these past few weeks. One thing that we feel more strongly than ever is connection. Connection with all of humanity which has been bound together in the face of COVID-19, and connection with nature as we bear witness to our planet’s healing. Now is a time for compassion, love and unity between all living things.

We at Grevy’s Zebra Trust are taking all necessary precautions to protect our team and the communities within which we work. And while we take a self-imposed break from our fieldwork, we are using this opportunity to reflect on how we can potentially increase the impact of our programs. Critically, our Grevy’s Zebra Scouts, Ambassadors and Warriors will continue their patrols to monitor Grevy’s zebra. Having our eyes and ears on the ground will enable us to intervene where possible should there be a need for dry season water access, supplementary feeding or veterinary attention.

Thank you so much for supporting the Grevy’s Zebra Trust and helping us to give Grevy’s zebra the best possible chance of survival. While our other news items highlight some of the work we have been doing over the past few months, it hopefully also shows that we can overcome obstacles and achieve so much when we have the passion and the will.

From all of us at GZT, we wish you well.

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@Lynn Kimmel